UFOs and the Gateway To Heaven

“…and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it…And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful [is] this place! this [is] none other but the house of God, and this [is] the gate of heaven” – Genesis 28:12; 17

Not long ago hovering over the city of New York in broad daylight, stunned pedestrians looked up in awe of strange lights. We’re not talking about “flying saucers”, these are what could be called “orbs”, mysterious balls of light. Click here to see raw video footage of the UFOs.

Similar lights have been seen around the world over the last several years, alone and sometimes in large groups numbering in the 100s. So what are they?!

In his book Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact (1988) Jacques Vallee says:

I believe that the UFO phenomenon is one of the ways through which an alien form of intelligence of incredible complexity, is communicating with us symbolically. There is no indication that it is extraterrestrial…it [comes from] other dimensions beyond spacetime; from a multiverse which is all around us.

Dimensional Vortex
In 2006 Jaime Maussan, a UFOlogist extraordinaire, presented astonishing video of several such orbs, the exception being, unlike the New York City footage, they were captured using a high quality security camera capable of zooming in to incredible detail. (You can watch the entire presentation here: http://vimeo.com/1305669). Below is a clip (animated .gif) of one of those orbs shown in the presentation, you can see it at 28 minutes into the video.

At this extreme high magnification you can make out what seems to be some sort of tunnel. Jaime came to the conclusion that what we are seeing is a ‘dimensional vortex’.

Jaime Maussan's Dimensional Vortex

Were does it go…and how did it get here? Are very good questions that have no good answers so far. Though there may be some clues in the historical record.

2012 Mayan Prophecy
In Mayan belief a ‘serpent rope’ will emerge from the center of the galaxy in 2012, with an enlightened being named Nine Winds or Quetzalcoatl riding on it and a blessed substance or sap the Mayans call ‘itz’ spewing from it.

Judeo-Christian Myth
According to the transfiguration of Christ myth there was a similar entrance he used to travel to heaven after his crucifixion. Perhaps he had some way of conjuring up an opening in space/time to get to-and-from heaven.

A Dimensional Vortex or gateway to heaven?

Do a Google search for ‘Transfiguration Icon’ and  notice the similarities in the design or layout of the icon: Jesus in front of some sort of open vortex, with Moses on one side and Elijah on the other.

And then of course there’s the old testament story of Jacob’s Ladder.

What is Myth, What is Truth?
I believe that myths are truths embellished over time. Could it be that the biblical stories of Jacobs Ladder and the Mayan ‘Serpent Rope’ be one in the same? Has truth been embedded in the Bible and other ancient documents to prepare us for this coming age? Could it be true that these lights in the sky are just the tip of some kind of a tunnel or stargate from another dimension? Or a rapturess stairway to heaven?

Investigative mythologist and stargate researcher William Henry goes as far as to question if perhaps Christ and Quetzalcoatl are one in the same on his Soul Rising DVD…

The Truth
The truth is that we don’t yet know what these mysterious lights are and I’m not pretending to have the answers either…but if they are indeed some sort of a naturally occurring porthole to another dimension or a “stargate”…wow, that would certainly call for a change of perception or paradigm shift on our part, wouldn’t it!

Welcome to The Nous Age, indeed!

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The Symphony of the Cosmos

Deepak Chopra another of my gifted teachers recently at a conference put it plainly:

“When you were first conceived, you were just a double strand of DNA, in a fertilized ovum.

It divided fifty times.

In only fifty replications, you had a hundred trillion cells! It is more than all the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

And each cell is estimated to do about six trillion things per second, and every cell instantly knows what every other cell is doing.

How does a human body think thoughts, play a piano, kill germs, remove toxins, and make a baby all at the same time? And whilst it’s doing that, it tracks the movement of stars and planets. Because your biological rhythms, are actually the symphony of the cosmos.

There’s an inner intelligence in your body, and that inner intelligence is consciousness. It’s the ultimate in supreme genius, which mirrors the wisdom of the universe.”

I believe that it’s when we as individuals and collectively/culturally accept this simple truth (that we a part of the universe and not apart from the universe) that we will step into The Nous Age. And it’s not that big of a step…

WATCH Deepak’s presentation here

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INTERVIEW: Sky Sheridan of Called2Create

Sky Sheridan is the Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of Called2Create, a movement that intends to raise the conscious awareness of our freedom and power to create a world that puts people and the planet first so that we can all profit.

I spoke with him via Skype this past Wednesday about his life, his new book The Seven Shifts and the message he’s been called to share with the world.

Seeing that my first encounter with Sky and the Called2Create message was when I stumbled upon his award winning YouTube video, that’s where I started the interview…

The Interview:
(to hear Sky’s response to my question click on the ‘play’ icon below each question.)

Q1. How did the video A Creation Nation come about?

Q2. What is the mission of Called2Create?

Q3. This former model has just released his first book The Seven Shifts, out now for the Kindle and will be available in print form at the end of December. It’s both his personal memoir and a guide to achieving enlightenment. I asked Sky how he went from being a model to a spiritual guide, what some would call, “a pretty big leap”…

Q4. A lot of my own Nous Age research revolves around scientific discoveries, the Noetic sciences and specifically quantum physics. I asked Sky how important the discoveries of quantum physics are to his message?

Q5. In his book The Seven Shifts he talks about how a true consciousness shift can only take place when we shift from “living in fear to living love”…I asked him to explain…

Q6. How does the fear of death hold us back from discovering who we really are?

Q7. From the outside it may look like he’s lived a charmed life but the truth of his early life simply put, is tragic. Is it possible for somebody who’s lived a sheltered life to feel the need to become more spiritual?

Q8. If he could distill his message down to one sentence, what would it be?

Join Sky Sheridan and the Called2Create movement by clicking here.

Pick up a copy of his book at Amazon.

The Seven Shifts

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War Is Over, John Lennon’s Christmas Wish for Us

With the Orwelian chant of “War is Peace” alive and well, blaring at us through the news media and the so-called world leadership, we’ve arrived at the 30th anniversary of John Lennon’s assassination and I wonder if his message died with him that day on the cold concrete of 72nd avenue in New York City.

“War Is Over” is not as much an announcement as it is a declaration that war is no longer necessary, that it’s gone out of vogue. However, with major wars in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Palestine, and low level conflicts in places like Somalia, India, and Sudan not everybody seems to have received the message. Why?

Cain Is Still Killing Abel
Since the beginning of time itself Man has been engaged in conflict, killing his brother for land and for natural resources.  Billions of people have been killed, empires collapsed, cities burnt and destroyed, civilizations lost and land torched and contaminated. Despite that the so-called civilized modern Man of today is still not convinced that wars do not solve conflicts but exacerbate them.

Wars are still being waged, Cain keeps killing Abel, despite the wide spread anti-war movements and many vocal peace activists. How is it possible that the few are controlling the many? And why have we given up on what we know to be true…that War Is Over?

The New World Order
We have evolved as human beings. It’s time for us to recognize that, to see our new selves by expressing our desire for oneness through co-operation on the local level and by electing people to power who believe what we believe…not the business as usual politicians who’s mantra is “War Is Peace”. We control the new world order, not them.

Don’t let them marginalize you for thinking this way either. It’s not pie-in-the-sky. This is our new reality, our new age…our “Nous” Age. It’s here if you want it.

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