God Has An Image Problem

From someone who’s entire working life is  dedicated to image building in one form or another, as a marketing consultant or broadcaster, I have come to the professional conclusion that God has an image problem.

For a large part of the world God is seen as an old man with a long white beard who’s not only angry but spiteful…he sits on his throne up in heaven somewhere above the clouds and judges us…all of us on an ongoing basis. We accept that as fact and go about our lives cowering accordingly.

For another chunk of the world they just don’t believe in him at all…possibly because they can’t buy into the image…it’s ridiculous!

And I couldn’t agree more.

George Carlin spells it out better than me in this video.

Who’s Image Is It?
God’s image problem can’t be solved by a make over. The trouble is that we are the one’s who made him that way….in our image!

Yes, yes, I know…I can hear the evangelical’s getting ready with their verbal slingshots to tell me “WE were created in HIS image”. No. That is simply a vicious rumour.

Our concept of someone that is all knowing and all seeing can only be of an older man who looks down at us with utter contempt because he is so much better than us. If you were all knowing and all seeing you’d probably feel the same way about those beneath you too, right? Ergo …we created him in OUR image.

God has been miscast. He is not a he or an ‘it’. God is a never ending energy that is closer to you than you can imagine.

God’s New Image
God’s new image can only start inside of you and that’s because that is where God is in the first place. Use prayer or meditation to look inside of yourself, look carefully and you will soon see God. Yes, through quiet contemplation you will soon discover your divinity!

When you begin to feel a warmth in the middle of your upper chest that seems to radiate out the longer you hold your focus on it, you’ll know you’ve discovered it. That powerful sense of peace, calmness, creativity is God. I don’t mean god-like…it is actually God. Right there inside of you! Crazy!

It Starts with You
Once you are able to recognize and accept what’s been inside of you all along and others around you are able to do the same we will be able to change the world. For the lack of a better analogy God is a co-op and we all need to participate.

I tell my kids all the time that there are 2 ways to do something, the easy way and the right way. It’s easy to blame somebody else for your problems, most people do that on a regular basis “I was late to work because of the traffic”, “the dog ate my homework”, etc. But the right way is to take responsibility, accept your divinity and let’s start co-creating the world of our dreams!

Welcome to The Nous Age…it’s here if you want it!

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Make Your Own Path

There’s a Buddhist saying that describes religion as being like a raft, once you’ve crossed the river you don’t carry that raft on your back to your destiniation, do you? After you’ve made it to the opposite shore leave your raft there and continue on foot without the oppressive weight of your raft (or religion) on your back.

Likewise there is another Buddhist saying that insists that if religion were a raft don’t stay on it too long or you will get washed out to sea where you will be forced to stay and deal with the consequences.

Religion A Good Start
I’ve always said that religion is an excellent starting point for a spiritual life…sort of like ‘Spirituality 101’. But after that you’re on your own, you need to make your own way.

Most of the problems on Earth are caused by people who are trying to carry their raft…or who have stayed on their raft too long.

Your Path to Enlightenment
There are 6 1/2 billion people on the planet and there are 6 1/2 billion paths to enlightenment. We are creative souls…get creative…ask questions!

Don’t carry your religion like a raft, don’t stay on your raft too long and mostly importantly, don’t follow me….make your own path.

Do You Déjà Vu?

I have always had déjà vu. For me it’s never been a question of if it was ‘real’ or not, for me it’s just a part of my life. What usually happens in my case is that I have a very vivid dream, unlike the dreams that I have around them. My déjà vu dreams have a kind of glow to them and I recognize them as something important and make a mental note of them. Then sometime in the future the dream comes true.

My Experience
What I’ve discovered is that the dreams seem to “come true” during stressful periods of my life. I tend to have déjà vu a couple of times a month.

While most of my déjà vu are only short glimpses the last one I had lasted 15 minutes! My heart was pounding because I knew what was going to happen, it was exilerating! In fact I was able to use my precognition to help solve a problem I was having! Crazy…here’s the story:

I’m pretty proficient in html code but this day I was under the gun to finish a website design, I was having a hard time figuring out how to make the design do what I wanted it to do and that’s when it started. As the déjà vu was progressing I remembered how I solved the problem and was able to fix the code and get the website to work.

What Is Déjà Vu
I believe that time is an illusion, that all ‘time’ exists at once. We experience time as we do so that our little brains don’t explode. Think of time as a 33 1/3 record…our perception of ‘the now’ is the needle of the record player. I think it’s possible to access the future as easily as it is to access the past but I haven’t figured how to do it in a controled way. Sometimes it happens by accident in our dream state…and that’s what we call déjà vu.

Like anything you need to practice to get better, I’ve been déjà vu-ing for 45 years.

So do you déjà vu? Tell me about your experience with it…how does it work for you? Have you had any unique experiences?

Our World Within A World

On a recent visit to New York City I was thrilled to finally be able to stop and visit the United Nations. Although I have been to New York many times in my life I never had the time to visit.

After passing through security I was taken on a tour by a brilliant yet soft spoken young Japanese man and learned many things about the history of the U.N. I highly recommend taking the tour when you’re in The World’s City as they call it.

After the indoor tour I made my way outside to the North west corner of the U.N. plaza to see for myself, upclose and in person the sculpture which sits there called Sfera con sfera or Sphere within a Sphere. I had been anticipating this for quite some time.

The sculpture was created by an Italian named Arnaldo Pomodoro who lives and works in Milan.  It was presented as a gift to the United Nations by Lamberto Dini, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Italy  and unveiled on November 21, 1996 in New York City.

The first time I saw a picture of this sculpture I was dumbstruck not because of it’s apparent message but because of it’s placement…not here at the U.N. but at the Vatican! There, a duplicate of the sculpture sits in the middle of the Cortile della Pigna, placed like a child’s discarded toy in the middle of the walkway. (picture below)

Courtesy @l+q's photostream at Flickr

 The Connection
So what’s the connection between the Vatican and The United Nations? And what’s the message of this sphere with in a sphere sculpture?

I’ve dubbed it The World within a World sculpture because I believe that we live in 2 worlds. The first is the one that we perceive as being real with our daily struggles and concerns, errands to run, problems to fix. The second is the true world with it’s infinite beauty and simplicity. 

My Interpretation
The second world is hidden from us by the first world, perhaps on purpose. Our struggle as human beings is to be able to see through the illusion of the first (material) world and discover this inner world of peace…of becoming illuminated. 

Are these spheres placed where they are to give us a clue to what lies within? Will the “lifting of the veil” described in the book of Revelations in the Bible be our discovery of this “world within the world”?

Welcome to The Nous Age!

I Am Not A Seeker

About a year ago, after more than a decade of “seeking”, of defining myself as “a person who seeks”, I came to the convoluted conclusion that if I kept calling myself a “seeker” I would alway be a “seeker” and never find what I had been looking for.

It’s a problem played out every week on that TV show Hoarders, they just keep gathering stuff but are never able to see what they’ve got, they just want more! For me it was a simple shift in reality, a slight turning of the head, a change in attitude, a personal paradigm shift that made my entire outlook on life …different.

The Secret
I think it may have had something to do with one of those emails I got from signing up with The Secret mailing list, I’m not sure. I believe it’s possible to do this with any aspect of your life, make a decision to do something in a different way for a logical reason and voilà, there you go!

I Made It
Today, I am proud to say that I am no longer a seeker, I have dropped the “k” and am now a “see-er” … and the view from here is astounding!

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