These Three Kings

I am a Christian in the deepest sense of the term.

However, unlike most Christians I have encountered so far on my journey, I believe the story of Christ is a metaphor for the potential that lives deep inside each of us and is struggling to be found.

Dogma of the various Christian traditions prevents this personal “birth” to happen and I encourage all of my Christian friends to break free and think “outside of the box”.

Set aside your disbelief for a moment and consider what I am about to write:

The Truth
A lot of the stories we have come to view as fact are in reality tales past down through time, with origins going back thousands of years. The names change, sometimes the locations too but the significance of the stories don’t. And a lot of these stories came long before the birth of Jesus and the Judeo-Christian tradition itself!

For longer than recorded history the constellation of Orion has risen in the East, traveled across the sky and set in the West. 3 distinctive stars across his midsection (pictured above, right) are known as Orion’s Belt. They are also known as “The 3 Kings” by many cultures and even modern astronomers.

The Gospel of Matthew, the only one of the four Canonical gospels to mention the 3 kings, states that they came “from the east” to worship the Christ, “born King of the Jews.”

Son or Sun?
Imagine for a moment that the story of the birth of the Son of God was a personification of what everybody saw throughout history, is seeing today and will be seeing for millennia as 3 stars, coming from the East! If you were to follow an imaginary line through the 3 Kings from right to left you would run into a star (Sirius) the brightest star in the sky (aside from the sun) with an apparent magnitude of −1.46…and if you were to continue that imaginary line to the left you would eventually bump into the rising sun.

Is this simply a coincidence? 3 Kings, following a bright star to discover the Sun?

The Orion Correlation
Ancient Egyptians put a lot of importance on the 3 Kings too! Author Robert Bauval first talked about The Orion Correlation in his book The Orion Mystery and continues to draw fascinating conclusions about the ancient Egyptians in his latest book Black Genesis.

Likely the reason the Egyptians put so much importance on The 3 Kings and what they were pointing to, namely the Sun…is the same reason Christians incorporated it into their tradition, too.

The majestic limestone Sphynx on the Giza plateau in Egypt, which many believe pre-dates the pyramids themselves, patiently waits, watches and points toward the East and the returning Sun.

Think about this: if you wanted to leave a message for your teenage son to start the dishwasher when he got home from school, you’d write a note and leave it where he would be sure to see it, right?

But, what if you wanted to leave an important message for future generations, that was sure to last more than 10,000 years for your ancestors to find, how would you do it? Build a monument…? And then maybe to support that message, to be sure it gets through, perhaps use the ancient art of storytelling, surely future generations will get it then, right…?

I believe we have received the message, but wonder if we will interpret it in time?

The consumerism of the season can indeed be overwhelming, don’t get distracted from what the 3 Kings are trying to show you, pay attention, it’s been hiding in plain sight for 10s of thousands of years. Merry Christmas and I hope that the divine light inside of you, is found. Peace.

One Year to Doomsday!

Sorry for the sarcasm, I couldn’t resist…

If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that the idea of a “doomsday” on December 21, 2012 is NOT my thing. I believe that nothing will happen of the cataclysmic variety. I do believe however that something akin to an awakening is more likely to happen.

In the past year we saw evidence that an awakening has already begun…and on a global scale namely the so-called “Arab Spring” and the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. I, for one, am intrigued about what’s on the horizon in 2012.

There are a number of prophecies pointing at that date the most famous of which is the Mayan Calendar. Native American‘s have their prophecies, so did  Nostradamus and Edgar Casey.

However, as I continue my research I feel like I am following a bread trail that has been left for us to discover through the Judeo-Christian tradition and it’s pointing to a similar event, Jesus’ baptism in the river Jordan. The river Jordan is a representation of the river of light that flows across our night sky, that we call The Milky Way…the Son of God represents the Sun as it will stand in the river at sunrise on December 21st, 2012 and through ‘him’ receive some form of enlightenment. The Sun/Son is “the door”…”the way” to Sion, the kindom of heaven.

The Secret of Sion
This morning I received an email from William Henry who has just published his new book, The Secret of Sion, and in it he details what I have also discovered. You can watch a short video introduction to his research here.

It’s Happened Before
This won’t be the first time around for us, this (whatever this turns out to be) happens every 13,000 years or so as we pass through this particular neighbourhood of space, some sort of wave of charged particles emanating from the centre of the Milky Way will spark us to wake up, the veil lifted from our eyes.

It takes the Earth, it’s sister planets and Sun a total of 26,000 years to make it’s journey all the way around our Galaxy. Twice during the trip we pass through this beam of consciousness changing photons, if that’s what it indeed is. Like the oxygen Las Vegas pumps into the casinos, we will start feeling and thinking clearer…will wake up to the futility of our current status and see the war makers and resource hoarders for who they are…and demand a better world, a better way of life…for all human kind.

“We know so much about the Universe,
we just don’t understand what we know!”
– David Boullata

We know so much about the Universe ... we just don't understand what we know.[click and share this picture]