Seeing Is Believing

“The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.” – Luke 8:10

THE FURTHER I GO down this rabbit hole the more I see those sometimes archaic images, icons and parables, passed down through time for what they really are. All it takes is a bit of effort to see and hear the story these sometimes grotesquely out of place symbols are trying to tells us…to enlighten us, wake us up.

Case in point: Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. 

In 2009, on a visit to the Big Apple and on our way to Top of the Rock the absolute best way to take in the entire skyline of New York City BTW, we passed through the main entrance at 30 Rockefeller Square, the home of NBC.

As you enter the building peering down at you is a commanding low-relief panel carved into the limestone simply titled “Wisdom”. It was created by German born Lee Lawrie and is meant to represent the creative power of the Universe. The message underneath his spread fingers reads, “Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times”…two golden spikes extend his fingers as if to emphasize the potency of those words.


Words of Wisdom

It wasn’t until a couple of years later that I drew a comparison to some of the other work I was doing.

The Baptism of Jesus
One of the more popular posts on my blog was the one where I drew the comparison between the baptism of Jesus and the Mayan 2012 prophecy. Suggesting that the icon of the event could be a visual representation of the alignment of the the Sun with the centre of our Galaxy and that perhaps this alignment is meant to bring forth some kind of “energy burst” from the heart of the Milky Way. (read more)

The Secret of Sion
According to William Henry in his book The Secret of Sion, Sion or Zion is not a hill in Palestine but is indeed the name of the centre of the Galaxy. Without giving away too much of Henry’s brilliant work, the message we have been given through the eons most recently by Jesus, is that we are all Gods trying to ignite our light bodies in order to make the trip back home, to our “promised land” in Sion, that bulge of light at the centre of the Milky Way.

Based on his research he speculates that some sort of Stargate or wormhole will open and let us pass through it to the galactic core once we have successfully attained our light body. (I urge you to order the book to get the full story. It’s available on the Kindle from Amazon.)

That’s when it hit me that maybe those golden spikes shooting out of Wisdom’s fingertips where meant to represent the same wisdom or enlightenment represented above Jesus’ head at his baptism! But it wasn’t until I backed up about 200 feet that I realized what those ‘spikes’ were pointed at…

The Jesus Prometheus Connection
Prometheus seems to be the target of Wisdom’s golden rays.

When you take in the bigger picture (below) on the right you can see the statue of Prometheus directly beneath Wisdom and wouldn’t you know it…Prometheus’ golden, dare I say “light body”, is standing in a man made waterfall! I am confident that the same encoded message of divine wisdom is being played out in both images, if you are willing to see it.

Are these 2 images mirrors of the same sacred event?

Let’s analyze this for a minute: both Jesus and Prometheus are considered champions of mankind. Both were sent by their Fathers to Earth and were subsequently tortured, Jesus at the hands of the Romans attached to a cross…Prometheus tormented by an eagle who pecked away at his liver daily while attached to a rock.

I am not suggesting that Jesus is Prometheus or vice versa. I believe that there is a strong possibility that both of these stories have a much older common beginning and that there is indeed merit to the concept of a return to Sion, Zion or heaven through the attainment of our light body.

Through the Door
It gets better. I went back through my 2009 pictures and discovered to my amazement what had been sitting there all along. Take a look at the picture below:

Click to enlarge

Up in the roof of the lobby, is William Henry’s wormhole, disappearing into the heavens. Men of all sizes struggling in vain to build a scaffolding, trying to make their way up into it. A futile task without your light body.

See and Hear
Meanwhile back outside… if everything I’ve presented here isn’t enough to stir your curiosity, take note of the 2 reliefs that flank both sides of Wisdom.

Meet ‘Light’ and ‘Sound’.


As if to ask you: Are you ready to see? Are you willing to hear?

So, are you ready? The Nous Age is here.

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