What’s Wrong With WordPress?

FIRST OFF let me clarify, it’s not just what’s wrong with WordPress but all blogs and forums…in fact any website whose raison d’être is to be a hub of information sharing and dialogue.

I’m a broadcaster by trade, I’ve been communicating ideas for over 20 years. Likewise, I’m not new at this, I’ve been blogging on different subjects for years, this blog The Nous Age (pronounced ‘New’ Age), is my latest effort and the culmination of much research and thought.

The Beginning
When I discovered blogging in 2004 I was drawn to it’s touted ability to bring people together for dialogue about a given subject and at first it seemed so. But the more I look at it today I realize that it has done the opposite, it has polarized people about ideas. Where I have gone looking for open dialogue I have been threatened with deletion.

Rather than helping people become more informed about topics that they never would have been exposed to had blogging not existed, it has simply brought together people of like minds and solidified their ideas no matter how arcane they seem.

What I’ve Learned From Blogging
My subject is spirituality. I went from being a devout “church every Sunday” Christian to a free thinking spiritualist that has now discovered deeper meaning through profound dialogue with various people from around the globe that I encountered over the years. I have come to conclusions about religion and spirit which I am now sharing through this blog. (The New Age, Destination 2012, The Universe Is Conscious)

Not to say my philosophy is set-in-stone, it’s not. I am open to other ideas which is part of what I’m calling The Nous Age Principle. A year from now perhaps I won’t agree with 5% of what I believe today and that’s ok, because that’s what open and honest dialogue does, right?

The Challenge
Today I give you a challenge, visit another blog and leave a comment for someone who you don’t agree with. I don’t mean to instigate a literary food fight…I mean to  instigate a dialogue, even if the outcome is only to agree that you disagree. You never know how many seeds you’ll plant through that one gesture. Get out of your comfort zone…

This is The Nous Age, it’s here if you want it!

Where Is This Going?

We are evolving. We may not see it in the short term but we are continuously moving forward.

Contrary to popular thought, our evolution is not the evolution of the one, it is the evolution of the collective. Science has shown us that before there were multicellular organisms on this planet there were only single cells. For millions and millions of years there were just single cells living out their single cell ‘lives’. Sadly, awareness for these single little cells was what came in contact with the surface of their membrane. A great evolutionary step came when the cells recognized that they could increase there survival rate by gaining more awareness.

Increasing Awareness
There are 2 ways for a cell to gain more membrane (awareness), (1) grow bigger, which has it limitations because a cell can only get so big, or (2) cells could come together and share membrane.

How Your Body Works
In reality, your body is a busy collection of amoebas working together, sharing jobs and information all to ensure your survival. Now, think of yourself as a cell in a greater collective brought together to share awareness. Every person on this planet is a cell in this collective, contributing their own membrane creating a synergy of awareness. All of this to create one living organism that we could call the human race. When we can come together to recognize what’s happening and begin to work in a coherent fashion we will have stepped up to the next level of evolution.

Where Are We Going?
Another of my great teachers, Bruce Lipton talks about this. He says that the cell of the human is essentially the same as the cell of the amoeba…the human form is a reiteration of the single cell and as such is a fractal. When our collective is complete, the Earth as an organism will likewise have completed it’s evolution. The Earth is a living, breathing, pulsing entity. Just like when the cell was complete, it connected with other cells, now that the human is complete it is hooking up with other humans (think of technologies like the internet). In the future as the Earth is complete as a living organism, will it likewise hook up with other organisms of the same nature? Will Earth become a part of a galactic community? Only time will tell.

We are indeed living in interesting times, sitting on the verge of going from the ‘me’ to the ‘we’ way of thinking and being. Welcome to The ‘Nous’ Age!

Exploration: Past Life Regression

Dolores Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of what can be called “lost knowledge”. Some of her discoveries have been controversial (Conversations with Nostradamus, Keepers of the Garden) to say the least, others simply fascinating. Her roots in hypnosis go back to the 1960s. She has been specializing in past-life therapy since 1979.

As you may already know I have been reading some of her work for quite some time now (Convoluted Universe 1, Convoluted Universe 2 and now her latest book Convoluted Universe 3) and referencing some of her amazing lost knowledge discoveries here.

Visiting Montreal
In July 2008 it was my distinct honour to interview her while she was here in Montréal for a conference and to teach her hypnotherapy technique to a class full of eager student’s. Despite being here in Montréal her schedule only permitted a telephone interview but that didn’t deter us one bit from quickly getting into concepts of consciousness, 2012 prophecy and The New Earth.

The following are the ten questions I posed to her. To hear Dolores’ response to my question click on the ‘play’ icon below each question. (ex. )

The Interview

Q1. Tell me about your regression technique, how did you develop it?

Q2. What makes your technique special?

Q3.What was your original reaction when you realized what you had stumbled on?

Q4. How do you deal with skeptics?

Q5. Could you elaborate a little on this idea of “The New Earth”?

Q6. Will people notice any changes?

Q7. I’m reading a book by physics professor Amit Goswami [1][2][3] called “The Self Aware Universe” (1995) where he makes a case for the idea that in the evolutionary process consciousness came before matter…that the only “reality” is consciousness…and that matter is a by-product of consciousness itself rather than the other way around. Is this idea consistent with your research”? In Convoluted Universe 2 one of your subjects said that the afterlife experience is more real than what we (in this life) perceive as reality…

Q8. …when I clarified Amit Goswami’s thesis, by saying that he is scientifically proving what she’s been saying she reacted like this…

Q9. Based on your research what would you say is God?

Q10. Is God consciousness?

I believe that our modern world is based on fundamentally flawed conceptions of time and mind and that on this shaky foundation we have built a civilization which as it grows is becoming increasingly shaky (see, stock market and political news). Dolores Cannon’s work is helping to expose the need to rethink all of our grand assumptions and to establish a new paradigm.

You can order her book(s) through her website or at Amazon.com

Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon

Can Science and Religion Be Integrated?

Of the many great teachers that I’ve had, I believe that Amit Goswammi, Ph.D has had the greatest effect on the thinking process that brought me to The Nous Age Principle.

Here is a paper he wrote in 2008 called Can Science and Religion be Integrated? describing the Quantum Consciousness as God:

…The good news is that not one, but three separate experiments are now showing that quantum consciousness, the author of downward causation is nonlocal, is unitive, is God. The first such experiment proving it unequivocally (that is, with objective machines and not through subjective experiences of people) was performed by the neurophysiologist Jacobo Grinberg and his collaborators at the University of Mexico. Let’s go into some details…

Read More Here…

The End Is NOT Near

No, the end is not near. However, the time for change is at hand.

2012: Time for Change” presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee João Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the scientific method

I’ve been intrigued by Daniel Pinchbeck’s work since his book “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl“, his ideas continue to inspire me. The movie opens in New York City this weekend, and you can check when it will be opening nearer you by clicking here.

If you can’t go to it, you can bring it to you on DVD by clicking here.

The Universe is Conscious

Our Universe is conscious. It is aware of and responding to it’s surroundings. What we perceive as our own individual consciousness is in fact simply a part of what can be called Universal Consciousness. Our ‘local’ consciousness can be seen as being like a drop of water that is a part of an infinite ocean. It is both the drop and the ocean simultaneously and so are we. This is my clearest and most direct explanation of The Nous Age Principle.

Creating Matter
Contrary to what science has been telling us, consciousness is not created by the brain…in fact it might be ventured to say that consciousness itself …creates matter! But that is the subject of a different post.

The Problem Solver
This problem of consciousness is the geocentrism of our time. Accepting that the Earth is one of several planets that orbits the Sun instantly solved countless mathematic problems created by the geocentric model. Likewise, accepting the idea that consciousness is the ground of all being will solve many so-called “problems” that science prefers remain in-the-closet. Problems like: telepathy, deja-vu, remote viewing, precognition, paranormal activity, etc.

Yearning for a new way will not produce it. Only ending the old way can do that. – Neale Donald Walsch

I believe the paradigm shift necessary to accept this idea is imminent and will be the dawn of what I’ve dubbed The Nous Age…it’s here if you want it!

Please comment below… If you’re intrigued Subscribe in the top right of this page…

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Religion Is Flawed

Religion is flawed. When human beings try to define or “pin-down” spiritual things they corrupt them. When you love something so much that you take it out of it’s natural habitat and place it in a cage to control it, you can’t help but destroy it’s essence. No matter how hard you try not to, you will change it, the walls of it’s cage becoming it’s very definition. God has no boundaries and is undefinable. How can you define something which lies outside our 3-dimensional perception?

Lucretius (99 BC – 55 BC) said:

Tantum religio potuit saudere malorum (Too much religion is apt to encourage evil)

And he was right despite not having seen what was to come courtesy of the Abrahamic traditions.

This blog is not out to ‘get religion’ like some visitors have insinuated, this blog is trying to bring forward what I call a ‘meta-religion’ or the religion behind all religions…if that is indeed possible. I’m not talking about the so-called Golden Rule either, that is a morality code. Metareligion is the undefinable which drives our search for meaning. As such metareligion must remain undefined…for to define it would be to corrupt it.

The Nous Age Principle, at it’s basis, is a declaration that we are all one…that we are connected in a fundamental yet deeply profound way. Religions tell us “we are all one…if you believe like we do”. By defining yourself this way you are putting yourself into a cage.

Rise Up
By bringing spirit down to our level, by defining it in our terms, we destroy it. Spirit cannot survive on our level, if anything, we have to rise up to meet it.

Welcome to The Nous Age, it’s here if you want it!