Religion Is Flawed

Religion is flawed. When human beings try to define or “pin-down” spiritual things they corrupt them. When you love something so much that you take it out of it’s natural habitat and place it in a cage to control it, you can’t help but destroy it’s essence. No matter how hard you try not to, you will change it, the walls of it’s cage becoming it’s very definition. God has no boundaries and is undefinable. How can you define something which lies outside our 3-dimensional perception?

Lucretius (99 BC – 55 BC) said:

Tantum religio potuit saudere malorum (Too much religion is apt to encourage evil)

And he was right despite not having seen what was to come courtesy of the Abrahamic traditions.

This blog is not out to ‘get religion’ like some visitors have insinuated, this blog is trying to bring forward what I call a ‘meta-religion’ or the religion behind all religions…if that is indeed possible. I’m not talking about the so-called Golden Rule either, that is a morality code. Metareligion is the undefinable which drives our search for meaning. As such metareligion must remain undefined…for to define it would be to corrupt it.

The Nous Age Principle, at it’s basis, is a declaration that we are all one…that we are connected in a fundamental yet deeply profound way. Religions tell us “we are all one…if you believe like we do”. By defining yourself this way you are putting yourself into a cage.

Rise Up
By bringing spirit down to our level, by defining it in our terms, we destroy it. Spirit cannot survive on our level, if anything, we have to rise up to meet it.

Welcome to The Nous Age, it’s here if you want it!

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