A Brain Test


[Click on the above picture to open it]

This is not just a parlour trick but a way to demonstrate how what we think is reality may not be correct.

Each of your eyes has a blank spot, where the optic nerve is attached…your brain fills those 2 blank spots in as best as it can based on several things. Remember, what is received at the back of your eye is actually upside down and it’s the brain’s job to flip it 180 degrees in order for you to function.


Based on the above demonstration, what other things do you think the brain is inadvertently “correcting” for us?

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Cosmic Perspective

I was introduced to him through the PBS program NOVA ScienceNow which he hosted from 2006-2011, but have become even more intrigued by what’s he’s had to say since then.

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City. He is a plain spoken deep thinker. This video is the perfect example. I hope it opens your eyes a bit wider:


Later this year Neil will host a 13-part TV series to serve as a sequel and modern update to Carl Sagan’s Cosmos: A personal Journey.

You can follow Neil on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/neiltyson

INTERVIEW: Graham Hancock Speaks Out


Graham Hancock is one of the most eminent researcher-writers on true world history. His book Fingerprints of the Gods verified my suspicion [1] that we are not the world’s first great civilization and helped propel me down a new path in my journey. He has also become an outspoken proponent of the use of Ayahuasca as a way to open the mind and expand the consciousness.

When William Henry announced that Graham would be speaking at the Revelations Symposium in Nashville, I signed up and booked my flight.

Graham Hancock, David Boullata and William Henry

Graham Hancock, David Boullata and William Henry (l-r)

We spent 3 days in the intimate beauty of the Scarritt-Bennett Center listening and learning from Graham, William and Whitley Strieber. Then as the chairs were being folded and with only minutes before leaving for the airport, he graciously agreed to sit down with me and field a few questions:

1. In regards to your first book The Sign & the Seal do you think we should insist on examination of the artifact at Axum? Would we ever be allowed?

2. In Fingerprints of the Gods you proved that we know a lot less than we think we know about the history of mankind on Earth. What for you is the critical information that needs to be taught to our kids, to the general population…and how will that change the way we see ourselves today?

3. I find Zecharia Sitchin’s research intriguing but I’m not totally convinced. How much credence do you hold to the idea that we may have been genetically modified slaves of an advanced alien species?

4. According to Israeli archeologists Amnon Ben-Tor and Sharon Zuckerman there is no physical evidence for The Exodus as told in The Bible [2] (click ‘transcript’)…suggesting that perhaps the Ark of the Covenant didn’t come from Egypt but was already in Jerusalem. Might the Ark hold a crucial piece of Zecharia Sitchin’s alien landing beacon?


5. Why did you decide that writing fiction would be an appropriate move for your writing career?

6. In Entangled, you introduce the idea of magic mushrooms, what The Clan call “Demon Penises” and the Uglies call “Little Teachers”. Is psilocybin a hallucinogen or a key to open a door to another dimension?

7. What do you think the role of psychedelics were in ancient civilizations…and how do you think they can help our modern, disjointed world?

8. What if anything do you think will come of the TEDx Talks controversy? A more open discussion on “what is science”….?

9. Are you a spiritual anarchist?

10. Who or what is God?

Graham Hancock’s new book War God will be available through Amazon UK on May 30th and later this year through Amazon Canada on August 13. You can likewise read a few sample chapters for free at the website War-God.com


For an updated list of Graham’s speaking engagements around the world click here.


Interview: Stephen S. Mehler


EARLIER THIS WEEK I had the opportunity to speak via Skype with Stephen S. Mehler, the author of The Land of Osiris and From Light into Darkness. He is one of the authors who inspired me to take my exploration of consciousness studies back in time to see if I could augment my understanding on the subject. I was looking for clues to what these ancient civilizations may have already known:

1. Who were the Khemitians?

2. What do we know about their religion…or spiritual beliefs?

3. Where the Hebrews from Khemit or from a previous civilization?

4. How are the Sufi connected to Khemit?

4a. Have the Sufi been able to stay true to their traditions or have they bent to modern Islam?

Stephan S. Mehler & Abd’El Hakim Awyan

Stephen S. Mehler & Abd’El Hakim Awyan

5. How old are the pyramids at Giza…and how can you be sure?

6. Who built the pyramids at Giza?

7. What is the Ur Nil (or Protonile) and what is it’s significance to the pyramid complex at Giza?

8. In your book “The Land of Osiris” you introduce Victor Schauberger’s theory that in the union of hydrogen and oxygen to form water a great deal of potential “energy” was stored. Could the pyramids have been used to tap into this energy?

9. In my book I hope to draw a comparison between the imagery of Horus being anointed with water by Thoth and the Baptism of Jesus (see picture below). The dove appearing over Jesus’ head is not simply “holy spirit” but a representation of a Khemitian-like advanced state of awareness/consciousness…and that the purpose of the icon is as a do-it-yourself guide. What are your thoughts on that idea?

10. Do you feel we have been mislead (on purpose or not) about the history of our planet?

My feeling is that there is a lot we can learn from looking into the past while we forge ahead with new scientific discovery. What we are learning today may have been already known, we need to find the clues that may be in plain sight.

Your comments and questions are invited below.

Horus being anointed with water by Thoth (above) - The Baptism of Jesus

Horus being anointed with water by Thoth (top) – The Baptism of Jesus

Jesus, Son of God?


Sometimes, it seems that the more I learn the less I know.

Growing up in a religious Orthodox Christian family, I took all of the stories around Christ’s life as fact, the unquestionable truth. But the more I dig, looking for clearer understand, I find only a shifting foundation of sand.

Take for example the Jesus, Osiris, Dionysus connection.

Jesus, Osiris, Dionysus
Dionysus, a Greek God (1500—1100 BC) and Osiris, an Egyptian God (pre-2500 BC) were viewed as ‘mythical’ characters…though there is some evidence that points to Osiris as being real and that Dionysus was only modelled after Osiris. Despite that the two characters were used interchangeably in ancient times and in the 3rd century they were even referred to by the composite name “Osiris-Dionysus“.

At the time of Jesus’ stay on the Earth some 2000 years ago the story of Dionysus and Osiris were well established but nobody seemed to notice the similarities between the 3 of them??

A Closer Look
The following stories appear both in the Gospels and in the myths of many of the god-men:

bullet Conception:

bullet God was his father. This was believed to be literally true in the case of Osiris-Dionysus; their God came to earth and engaged in sexual intercourse with a human. The father of Jesus is God in the form of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18).
bullet A human woman, a virgin, was his mother.
bullet Birth:

bullet He was born in a cave or cowshed. Luke 2:7 mentions that Jesus was placed in a manger – an eating trough for animals. One early Christian tradition said that the manger was in a cave.
bullet His birth was prophesized by a star in the heavens.
bullet Ministry:

bullet At a marriage ceremony, he performed the miracle of converting water into wine.
bullet He was powerless to perform miracles in his home town.
bullet His followers were born-again through baptism in water.
bullet He rode triumphantly into a city on a donkey. Tradition records that the inhabitants waved palm leaves.
bullet He had 12 disciples.
bullet He was accused of licentious behavior.
bullet Execution, resurrection, etc:

bullet He was killed near the time of the Vernal Equinox, about MAR-21.
bullet He died “as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.
bullet He was hung on a tree, stake, or cross. 
bullet After death, he descended into hell.
bullet On the third day after his death, he returned to life.
bullet The cave where he was laid was visited by three of his female followers
bullet He later ascended to heaven.
bullet His titles:

bullet God made flesh.
bullet Savior of the world.
bullet Son of God.
bullet Beliefs about the God-man:

bullet He is “God made man,” and equal to the Father.
bullet He will return in the last days.
bullet He will judge the human race at that time.
bullet Humans are separated from God by original sin. The god-man’s sacrificial death reunites the believer with God and atones for the original sin.
Source: Religious Tolerance.org

Nobody Noticed?
The reason that nobody noticed the similarities between Jesus and Osiris-Dionysus was because those aspects of Jesus’ life were added hundreds of years later when Rome finally accepted Christianity and fused it with her other pagan beliefs.

Jesus Was A (Great) Man
I choose to believe that Jesus was a real person, a socialist, a rebel against a corrupt Roman-Jewish alliance and perhaps someone who through study and practice of mysticism had come to a deep understanding of the world, the Universe and our place in it. And from that understanding preached love and tolerance.

If we could follow THAT example, I think the world would be a better place.

The Essence of a Cup


I’VE COME TO UNDERSTAND that the essence of a cup is not the cup itself, it is the space within the cup. It’s the space that defines it’s purpose…to hold something without form.

Likewise, I believe the essence of the Universe’s smallest particles is not it’s electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. Their essence, indeed their purpose has to do with the space within them.

It’s About Space
If we consider the atom is 99.99% empty space perhaps we would see that our research at CERN is looking in the wrong place to find the so-called God Particle known to scientists as the Higgs boson. And that perhaps the God Particle isn’t even a particle at all!

Ask the Right Question
As a thinking spiritualist I find it hard to watch as science continues to overlook the most obvious question…what’s with all the space? Case in point this recent article: “A question of spin for the new boson” by James Gillies.

Where is Beauty?
To quote from Alan Watts’ book Become What You Are: “A symphony is not explained by a mathematical analysis of it’s notes; the mystery of a woman’s beauty is not revealed by a postmortem dissection; and no one ever understood the wonder of a bird on the wing by stuffing it and putting it in a case.” (p.61)

The purpose of the Universe and everything in it cannot be discovered by analyzing the cup alone. The key to understanding is to ask the right questions and look in the right place for the answer.

Seeing Is Believing

“The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.” – Luke 8:10

THE FURTHER I GO down this rabbit hole the more I see those sometimes archaic images, icons and parables, passed down through time for what they really are. All it takes is a bit of effort to see and hear the story these sometimes grotesquely out of place symbols are trying to tells us…to enlighten us, wake us up.

Case in point: Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. 

In 2009, on a visit to the Big Apple and on our way to Top of the Rock the absolute best way to take in the entire skyline of New York City BTW, we passed through the main entrance at 30 Rockefeller Square, the home of NBC.

As you enter the building peering down at you is a commanding low-relief panel carved into the limestone simply titled “Wisdom”. It was created by German born Lee Lawrie and is meant to represent the creative power of the Universe. The message underneath his spread fingers reads, “Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times”…two golden spikes extend his fingers as if to emphasize the potency of those words.


Words of Wisdom

It wasn’t until a couple of years later that I drew a comparison to some of the other work I was doing.

The Baptism of Jesus
One of the more popular posts on my blog was the one where I drew the comparison between the baptism of Jesus and the Mayan 2012 prophecy. Suggesting that the icon of the event could be a visual representation of the alignment of the the Sun with the centre of our Galaxy and that perhaps this alignment is meant to bring forth some kind of “energy burst” from the heart of the Milky Way. (read more)

The Secret of Sion
According to William Henry in his book The Secret of Sion, Sion or Zion is not a hill in Palestine but is indeed the name of the centre of the Galaxy. Without giving away too much of Henry’s brilliant work, the message we have been given through the eons most recently by Jesus, is that we are all Gods trying to ignite our light bodies in order to make the trip back home, to our “promised land” in Sion, that bulge of light at the centre of the Milky Way.

Based on his research he speculates that some sort of Stargate or wormhole will open and let us pass through it to the galactic core once we have successfully attained our light body. (I urge you to order the book to get the full story. It’s available on the Kindle from Amazon.)

That’s when it hit me that maybe those golden spikes shooting out of Wisdom’s fingertips where meant to represent the same wisdom or enlightenment represented above Jesus’ head at his baptism! But it wasn’t until I backed up about 200 feet that I realized what those ‘spikes’ were pointed at…

The Jesus Prometheus Connection
Prometheus seems to be the target of Wisdom’s golden rays.

When you take in the bigger picture (below) on the right you can see the statue of Prometheus directly beneath Wisdom and wouldn’t you know it…Prometheus’ golden, dare I say “light body”, is standing in a man made waterfall! I am confident that the same encoded message of divine wisdom is being played out in both images, if you are willing to see it.

Are these 2 images mirrors of the same sacred event?

Let’s analyze this for a minute: both Jesus and Prometheus are considered champions of mankind. Both were sent by their Fathers to Earth and were subsequently tortured, Jesus at the hands of the Romans attached to a cross…Prometheus tormented by an eagle who pecked away at his liver daily while attached to a rock.

I am not suggesting that Jesus is Prometheus or vice versa. I believe that there is a strong possibility that both of these stories have a much older common beginning and that there is indeed merit to the concept of a return to Sion, Zion or heaven through the attainment of our light body.

Through the Door
It gets better. I went back through my 2009 pictures and discovered to my amazement what had been sitting there all along. Take a look at the picture below:

Click to enlarge

Up in the roof of the lobby, is William Henry’s wormhole, disappearing into the heavens. Men of all sizes struggling in vain to build a scaffolding, trying to make their way up into it. A futile task without your light body.

See and Hear
Meanwhile back outside… if everything I’ve presented here isn’t enough to stir your curiosity, take note of the 2 reliefs that flank both sides of Wisdom.

Meet ‘Light’ and ‘Sound’.


As if to ask you: Are you ready to see? Are you willing to hear?

So, are you ready? The Nous Age is here.

(Leave your comment or question below…don’t forget to share this using your preferred method below)