Reality and the Extended Mind

JOURNALIST AND AUTHOR Adrian Nelson has released the first installment of his documentary, Reality and the Extended Mind. It covers the GCP (Global Consciousness Project) in some detail, along with interview segments with Dean Radin of IONS, Brenda Dunne and Bob Jahn of the PEAR lab, and Herb Mertz and Adam Curry of Psyleron, Inc.

The World and indeed the Universe is an awe inspiring place, we can only TRY to understand it better.

Part 1:

Part 2:

A Clarification

BEFORE WE GO ANY FURTHER I’d like to say that this website (and coming book) is not a “conspiracy theory” website. I realize that a lot of the posts that seem to get the most attention are the secret society revealed posts like:  Jesus’ Baptism and 2012 and Is This Liberty?, but those posts are just investigations into what I have come to believe in, from an anthropologic standpoint.

Here’s What I Believe

  • I believe that the Universe is conscious in a way that we perhaps will never be able to truly understand.
  • I believe that it’s that consciousness that we have mistaken for ‘God’ for the last 5-thousand years and science today is starting to recognize and PROVE that idea scientifically.
  • I also believe there existed at least one (possibly many) pre-historic civilization(s) that already knew this and built their culture(s) around it.

Not only do I believe that everything in this Universe evolved from the same “stuff” (see: Big Bang Theory) over the last 13-billions years, but I also believe that everything in this Universe is animated by the same singular consciousness. A consciousness which existed eternally ∞, even before the existence of space-time.

Levels of Consiousness
While there may be differing levels of consciousness between things… a rock is not at the same level as a tree which is not at the same level as a dog who is not at the same level as a human, etc. …everything is indeed conscious and directly connected to the source consciousness and by default …we are all connected to each other.

This website is a science, meets spirituality, meets archaeology website. I hope that clarifies it. :0)

I know you are as anxious to ask me a question as I am to answer you. You can send me a question by clicking comments below or through here

Jesus’ Baptism and 2012

The Milky Way

If you’re lucky enough to live in an area that doesn’t suffer the tragedy of light pollution, you may have become blasé to what I call “the greatest show on Earth”, namely the night sky.

The most profound part of the night sky for me is the thick band of light that goes from horizon to horizon and seems to wrap the Earth in a ribbon of light. In reality it is the edge-on view of our Galaxy, The Milky Way.

From Khemit to Today
From the point of view of ancient Egypt (or as they themselves referred to it, Khemit) the Milky Way seemed like an extension of the life giving Nile River, which seemed to have it’s origin in the Southern horizon (lower Africa) and snaked it’s way North into the Mediterranean Sea. It could be interpreted by them that the Nile was an extension of the heavenly Milky Way “river”.

As I continue the research for my book I have come to believe that a lot of what we know as Abrahamic religious traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) have their foundation in the ancient religion of the Khemetians of North Africa and that the traditions of the Khemitians are alive and well in one form or another disguised as Judaeo-Christian stories. One case in point:  the Baptism of The Son of God in the river Jordan.

The Baptism of The Son of God

The Baptism of The Son of God

Imagine that the river Jordan is a metaphor for the Nile/Milky Way and that the Son of God (Jesus) is the Sun. I believe that the so called ‘baptism’ is actually a representation of the conjunction between the rising Sun and the Milky Way, but not just any conjunction, a conjunction between the Sun and the center of our galaxy, and what is known as The Dark Rift.

Conjuntion-juntion, What’s Your Function?
What’s so special about this conjunction? Well it does happen every year on the same date but the next conjunction will have the Sunrise directly in the center of the Dark Rift, the first time in nearly 10,500 years. That date? December 21, 2012…yes, the same date as the misinterpreted end of the world date of the Mayan calendar. I don’t believe that it will be the end of the world, I do believe that it will be the start of some sort of “age of enlightenment”.

Let’s go back to the Baptism of Jesus for a minute and examine the iconography of the event that has been passed down through the ages:

Look at these depictions (below) of the event and notice the always present 3 pronged beam of light placed over Jesus’ head in each of them and/or the white dove which is seen as a symbol of love, peace or as a “messenger”.


Could the encoded message in these icons be that on the day of the “baptism” (ie. conjunction) we could expect some sort of divine connection between us and the Universe to happen? It definitely would change the way we look at Jesus, The Bible and certainly open religions to new interpretations.

New Evidence
I also have uncovered evidence that this same message has been hidden in plain sight in non-religious form similar to the evidence I presented in my Is This Liberty post. But this evidence will have to wait for my book to be completed.

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