Symphony of Science and Spirit

YOU’LL RECOGNIZE some of these classic interview and documentary clips. I love the way they’ve put them together and have strengthened the message. Enjoy and then vist the Symphony of Science website

Is This Liberty?

The best place to hide something is in plain sight…

THE STATUE OF LIBERTY’s full name is “Liberty Enlightening the World”. It was given to the United States by France to celebrate their alliance during the Revolutionary War. The statue was built in Paris and then shipped to the U.S. in 1885.

Various parts of the statue were on display throughout Paris as they were completed. For example Liberty’s head was exhibited in the gardens at the Tracadéro, and her torch was on display as well, as you can observe in the images below.

She has stood in all her splendour outside New York City, just south of Ellis Island, as the symbol of freedom for generations of Americans ever since…but is she really who she says she is?

The Great Imposter
Now, look at this picture:

What or who do you see?

Well, it’s not what you think…say hello to Sol Invictus “the contriver of light”…or the giver of enlightenment. He was the official sun god of the later Roman empire.

The Sun of God
Sol Invictus literally translates as “The Invincible Sun”. A case can easily be mounted to show the entire story of Jesus, the Son of God, is a plagerised version of the story of this Sun God.

To take it a bit further, the grafting of Sol Invictus feast days to the tale of a boy born of a virgin in a manger in Bethlehem and visited by 3 kings are all part of a conspiracy to personify celestial events, but for what reason? These stories can be traced even further back than the golden age of Rome to 3000 B.C. to ancient Egypt’s story of Horus.

I have reason to believe that the story of Horus may have been borrowed from an advanced civilization that pre-dates known history…but that will have to wait for another post.

Toward the Rising Sun
Maybe that The Statue of Liberty faces toward the Winter time sunrise in New York (and toward Sunset Park in Brooklyn) is a clue meant for us to uncover her true identity?

Most people mistakenly believe that she faces South toward ships arriving into New York City’s Upper Bay.

The Truth
Should we add Liberty to the long list of solar gods? Or is she indeed the Sol Invictus for the New Rome? Perhaps this is all just a case of mistaken identity…?

Another interesting question would be what do the 7 points on her crown represent. Is it the light of liberty on the 7 seas and 7 continents as we’ve been told …or perhaps do they represent the 7 power centers (chakra) of the human body…and if so how does that relate to the power of the Sun?

Nobody knows the truth of The Statue of Liberty for sure but it certainly begs many questions…

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Laws of Physics May Change?

New evidence supports the idea that we live in an area of the universe that is “just right” for our existence. The controversial finding comes from an observation that one of the constants of nature appears to be different in different parts of the cosmos.

If correct, this result stands against Einstein’s equivalence principle, which states that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. “This finding was a real surprise to everyone,” says John Webb of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Webb is lead author on the new paper, which has been submitted to Physical Review Letters.

Even more surprising is the fact that… (read more)

I Wish I Could Talk In Technicolor

I’M READING Daniel Pinchbeck‘s ‘Breaking Open the Head‘ (Broadway Books, 2002) and am starting to believe that psychedelic drugs are literally a key to other dimensions. 11 dimensions to be exact, which scientists like Michio Kaku are endorsing.

Psychedelics seem to let us see things that our ‘normal’ closed mind won’t let us. Different drugs open different dimensions.

Here’s a video going viral right now from a time when LSD was not illegal.

By no means am I endorsing the use of illegal hallucinogenic drugs but the idea is certainly fascinating, isn’t it?

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Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith














Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith is the founder and Spiritual Director of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, author of the award-winning book, Spiritual Liberation, and featured contributor to the book and film, “The Secret.”

The core of his message is that, “Oneness is the foundation piece of every authentic spiritual path. Spiritual practice provides the right conditions for people to wake up to the awareness that we are not separate from each other, from nature, and from God and that we are all intricately connected in a field of unity. This awareness liberates us from the thought forms that create fear and doubt and we see that life is conspiring for our good.”

He was recently interviewed by Connections Radio (Spirit Radio Network)  click here to go to the interview with Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith The stream will automatically begin.

I urge you to listen to and understand his message as his is an integral part of “The Nous Age Principal”.