Do You Déjà Vu?

I have always had déjà vu. For me it’s never been a question of if it was ‘real’ or not, for me it’s just a part of my life. What usually happens in my case is that I have a very vivid dream, unlike the dreams that I have around them. My déjà vu dreams have a kind of glow to them and I recognize them as something important and make a mental note of them. Then sometime in the future the dream comes true.

My Experience
What I’ve discovered is that the dreams seem to “come true” during stressful periods of my life. I tend to have déjà vu a couple of times a month.

While most of my déjà vu are only short glimpses the last one I had lasted 15 minutes! My heart was pounding because I knew what was going to happen, it was exilerating! In fact I was able to use my precognition to help solve a problem I was having! Crazy…here’s the story:

I’m pretty proficient in html code but this day I was under the gun to finish a website design, I was having a hard time figuring out how to make the design do what I wanted it to do and that’s when it started. As the déjà vu was progressing I remembered how I solved the problem and was able to fix the code and get the website to work.

What Is Déjà Vu
I believe that time is an illusion, that all ‘time’ exists at once. We experience time as we do so that our little brains don’t explode. Think of time as a 33 1/3 record…our perception of ‘the now’ is the needle of the record player. I think it’s possible to access the future as easily as it is to access the past but I haven’t figured how to do it in a controled way. Sometimes it happens by accident in our dream state…and that’s what we call déjà vu.

Like anything you need to practice to get better, I’ve been déjà vu-ing for 45 years.

So do you déjà vu? Tell me about your experience with it…how does it work for you? Have you had any unique experiences?

The Universe is Conscious

Our Universe is conscious. It is aware of and responding to it’s surroundings. What we perceive as our own individual consciousness is in fact simply a part of what can be called Universal Consciousness. Our ‘local’ consciousness can be seen as being like a drop of water that is a part of an infinite ocean. It is both the drop and the ocean simultaneously and so are we. This is my clearest and most direct explanation of The Nous Age Principle.

Creating Matter
Contrary to what science has been telling us, consciousness is not created by the brain…in fact it might be ventured to say that consciousness itself …creates matter! But that is the subject of a different post.

The Problem Solver
This problem of consciousness is the geocentrism of our time. Accepting that the Earth is one of several planets that orbits the Sun instantly solved countless mathematic problems created by the geocentric model. Likewise, accepting the idea that consciousness is the ground of all being will solve many so-called “problems” that science prefers remain in-the-closet. Problems like: telepathy, deja-vu, remote viewing, precognition, paranormal activity, etc.

Yearning for a new way will not produce it. Only ending the old way can do that. – Neale Donald Walsch

I believe the paradigm shift necessary to accept this idea is imminent and will be the dawn of what I’ve dubbed The Nous Age…it’s here if you want it!

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