Black Whole Movie

Nassim Haramein is a brilliant researcher, thinker and dreamer. Much of my inspiration to dig deeper into the past to find a connection to today’s religious traditions is due to his work.

About a year ago he released a film called Black Whole. To boil it down to one phrase this filmĀ uncovers scientific proof that we are one. The global acceptance of this idea is the core premise of what I’m calling “The Nous Age”.

Watch the short trailer here

The entire film is now available to watch online thanks for Vimeo (below for your convenience. If you have never heard Nassim’s astounding research sit back and be prepared to be amazed!

One Year to Doomsday!

Sorry for the sarcasm, IĀ couldnā€™t resist…

If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that the idea of a “doomsday” on December 21, 2012 is NOT my thing.Ā I believe that nothing will happen of the cataclysmic variety. I do believe however that something akin to an awakening is more likely to happen.

In the past year we saw evidence that an awakening has already begun…and on a global scale namely the so-called “Arab Spring” and the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. I, for one, am intrigued about what’s on the horizon in 2012.

There are a number of prophecies pointing at that date the most famous of which is the Mayan Calendar. Native American‘s have theirĀ prophecies, so did Ā Nostradamus andĀ Edgar Casey.

However, as I continue my research I feel like I am following a bread trail that has been left for us to discover through the Judeo-ChristianĀ tradition and it’s pointing to a similar event,Ā Jesus’ baptism in the river Jordan. The river Jordan is a representation of the river of light that flows across our night sky, that we call The Milky Way…the Son of God represents the Sun as it will stand in the river at sunrise on December 21st, 2012 and through ‘him’ receive some form of enlightenment. The Sun/Son is “the door”…”the way” to Sion, the kindom of heaven.

The Secret of Sion
This morning I received an email from William Henry who has just published his new book, The Secret of Sion, and in it he details what I have also discovered. You can watch a short video introduction to his research here.

It’s Happened Before
This won’t be the first time around for us, this (whatever this turns out to be) happens every 13,000 years or so as we pass through this particular neighbourhood of space, some sort of wave of charged particles emanating from the centre of the Milky Way will spark us to wake up, the veil lifted from our eyes.

It takes the Earth, it’s sister planets and Sun a total of 26,000 years to make it’s journey all the way around our Galaxy. Twice during the trip we pass through this beam of consciousness changing photons, if that’s what it indeed is. Like the oxygen Las Vegas pumps into the casinos, we will start feeling and thinking clearer…will wake up to the futility of our current status and see the war makers and resource hoarders for who they are…and demand a better world, a better way of life…for all human kind.

“We know so much about the Universe,
we just don’t understand what we know!”
– David Boullata

We know so much about the Universe ... we just don't understand what we know.[click and share this picture]

A Clarification

BEFORE WE GO ANY FURTHER I’d like to say that this website (and coming book) is not a “conspiracy theory” website. I realize that a lot of the posts that seem to get the most attention are the secret society revealed posts like: Ā Jesus’ Baptism and 2012Ā and Is This Liberty?, but those posts are just investigations into what I have come to believe in, from an anthropologic standpoint.

Here’s What I Believe

  • I believe that the Universe is conscious in a way that we perhaps will never be able to truly understand.
  • I believe that it’sĀ that consciousness that we have mistaken for ‘God’ for the last 5-thousand years and science today is starting to recognize and PROVE that idea scientifically.
  • I also believe there existed at least one (possibly many) pre-historic civilization(s) that already knew this and built their culture(s) around it.

Not only do I believe that everything in this Universe evolved from the same “stuff” (see: Big Bang Theory) over the last 13-billions years, but I also believe that everything in this Universe is animated by the same singular consciousness. A consciousness which existed eternally āˆž, even before the existence of space-time.

Levels of Consiousness
While there may be differing levels of consciousness between things… a rock is not at theĀ same level as a tree which is not at the same level as a dog who is not at the same level as a human, etc. …everything is indeed conscious and directly connected to the source consciousness and by default …we are all connected to each other.

This website is a science, meets spirituality, meets archaeology website. I hope that clarifies it. :0)

I know you are as anxious to ask me a question as I am to answer you. You can send me a question by clicking comments below or through here

Jesus’ Baptism and 2012

The Milky Way

If you’re lucky enough to live in an area that doesn’t suffer the tragedy of light pollution, you may have become blasĆ© to what I call “the greatest show on Earth”, namely the night sky.

The most profound part of the night sky for me is the thick band of light that goes from horizon to horizon and seems to wrap the Earth in a ribbon of light. In reality it is the edge-on view of our Galaxy, The Milky Way.

From Khemit to Today
From the point of view of ancient Egypt (or as they themselves referred to it, Khemit) the Milky Way seemed like an extension of the life giving Nile River, which seemed to have it’s origin in the Southern horizon (lower Africa) and snaked it’s way North into the Mediterranean Sea. It could be interpreted by them that the Nile was an extension of the heavenly Milky Way “river”.

As I continue the research for my book I have come to believe that a lot of what we know as Abrahamic religious traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) have their foundation in the ancient religion of the Khemetians of North Africa and that the traditions of the Khemitians are alive and well in one form or another disguised as Judaeo-Christian stories. One case in point: Ā the Baptism of The Son of God in the river Jordan.

The Baptism of The Son of God

The Baptism of The Son of God

Imagine that the river Jordan is a metaphor for the Nile/Milky Way and that the Son of God (Jesus) is the Sun. I believe that the so called ‘baptism’ is actually a representation of the conjunction between the rising Sun and the Milky Way, but not just any conjunction, a conjunction between the Sun and the center of our galaxy, and what is known as The Dark Rift.

Conjuntion-juntion, What’s Your Function?
What’s so special about this conjunction? Well it does happen every year on the same date but the next conjunction will have the Sunrise directly in the center of the Dark Rift, the first time in nearly 10,500 years. That date? December 21, 2012…yes, the same date as the misinterpreted end of the world date of the Mayan calendar.Ā I don’t believe that itĀ will be the end of the world, I do believe that it will be the start of some sort of “age of enlightenment”.

Let’s go back to the Baptism of Jesus for a minute and examine the iconography of the event that has been passed down through the ages:

Look at these depictions (below) of the event and notice the always present 3 pronged beam of light placed over Jesus’ head in each of them and/or the white dove which is seen as a symbol of love, peace or as a “messenger”.

Ā Ā Ā 

Could the encoded message in these icons be that on the day of the “baptism” (ie. conjunction) we could expect some sort of divine connection between us and the Universe to happen? It definitely would change the way we look at Jesus, The Bible and certainly open religions to new interpretations.

New Evidence
I also have uncovered evidence that this same message has been hidden in plain sight in non-religious form similar to the evidence I presented in my Is This Liberty post. But this evidence will have to wait for my book to be completed.

I eagerly look forward to your comment, please enter it below.

Welcome to The Nous Age

I‘m thrilled you’ve discovered my corner of the world wide web and I hope you decide to jump into the discussions below or at least subscribe in the top right corner. I don’t care if you disagree vehemently or agree with me whole heartedly (or are somewhere in between like most of my readers) I personally invite you to become a part of our discussion.

Why This Website
This website is a sketch pad for my ongoing research, which I plan to publish as a book tentatively titled The Door to The Nous Age. It’s where I am connecting the dots between cutting edge scientific research in quantum physics and psi, and religious traditions from around the world.Ā It’sĀ a place for me to pose theories and hypotheses on this building alignment of science and spirit and what it means to our modern “connected” world. It’s also a place for me to field criticisms and be inspired to move my research into new directions. And along the way, you’ll get a sneak peek into what you can expect from my book.

Full Disclosure
I am neither a scientist nor a theologian and I don’t pretend to be.

What I am is a journalist with an insatiable curiosity and desire for taking things apart to understand why they work and how they work. From a journalistic point of view I am documenting new scientific discoveries and attempting to coorelate them to what religions have been saying for thousands of years. And because I like Indiana Jones so much (who doesn’t), a bit of archeology to help us better understand the world dominant Abrahamic religions and what clues to our past they’ve been hiding in plain site all this time. Is it possible that we are only re-discovering what a civilization that predates known history already knew?

Some would ask what business I have talking about science when I’m not a scientist; or talking about religion when I am likewise not an expert. In two words: objective journalism. I think it’s precisely that I don’t have any so called professional truths to uphold that I am able to explore ideas unencumbered by either religious, scientific or archaeological dogma.

What I Believe
We are in the midst of some kind of paradigm shift, NOT a cataclysmic shift like many doomsday-ers are predicting but simply a change in the way we see ourselves as a society, as a species, as a planet. And this change in perspective that we are moving into is what I call The Nous Age…welcome!

JosĆ© ArgĆ¼elles

The well-known esoteric, visionary, artist and author JosĆ© ArgĆ¼elles has died at the age of 72 after a brief illness.Ā ArgĆ¼elles is considered the pioneer of the modern phenomenon of 2012, predicting a great change in conscious awareness after December 21, 2012.

JosĆ© ArgĆ¼elles is known for his role in organizing theĀ Harmonic Convergence event of 1987,Ā and his book The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, published the same year as well as the bookĀ Time and The Technosphere published in 2002. He alsoĀ was one of the originators of the Earth Day concept, ArgĆ¼elles founded the first Whole EarthĀ Festival in 1970, atĀ Davis, California.

To say that his work was an influence on my Nous Age Principle would be an understatement. His spirit will continue to work through my writing…

If you are unfamiliar with JosĆ© ArgĆ¼elles please watch this video, Part 1:

And Ā for your convenience here is Part 2:

Rest for now JosƩ, but there is work to do from where you are now. Peace brother.