Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Cosmic Perspective

I was introduced to him through the PBS program NOVA ScienceNow which he hosted from 2006-2011, but have become even more intrigued by what’s he’s had to say since then.

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City. He is a plain spoken deep thinker. This video is the perfect example. I hope it opens your eyes a bit wider:


Later this year Neil will host a 13-part TV series to serve as a sequel and modern update to Carl Sagan’s Cosmos: A personal Journey.

You can follow Neil on Twitter here:

Alan Watts, Love Everything

I just discovered this amazing little video and wanted to share it here as a thought provoker as more and more people are drawn toward The Nous Age and what it is. I have never felt the peace I feel while looking up, out into the Universe with my Meade telescope. It’s the greatest show on Earth!

God is Consciousness

The Creation of Man (Michelangelo)

The Creation of Man (Michelangelo)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.

3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. (John 1:1-5 – New International Version 1984)

I try not to quote too much scripture on this blog and will likewise keep it to a minimum as I complete my book, but I came across this quote last night and it suddenly clicked with me.

What I Believe
My core conviction, the belief that has driven me to write is that we are only part of a sea of consciousness and that “Universal Consciousness” is what we in the Abrahamic tradition have come to call God.

In the book I am using bleeding edge science mixed with, archaeologic discoveries and the occasional religious insights to make my case, so when I read the above quote it suddenly dawned on me that “the word” is consciousness! 

In the beginning there was only consciousness…and that was God (1+2). That consciousness (conscious observation) creates our reality (3) as quantum physics tells us. That the light or spark inside all humans is that light of consciousness(4). And finally, that whether we acknowledge it or not (the darkness) that light of God shines in us and through us into our space-time material world!

The Source
While I don’t (and never will) rely on The Bible as factual evidence of anything I feel that there are some stories, particularly in the old testament that give incredible insight to beliefs of a long lost civilization going back perhaps 15,000 years and more.

For the most part the Old Testament and Torah, are an amalgamation of many oral traditions passed down through the eons and brought together as a single work between 600 and 400 BCE during the Babylonian Exile period. While the New Testament is a hodgepodge of information spliced together by the early Christian Church which had it’s own political agenda. And in fact, many biblical scholars question that the Gospel of John was even written by John. Perhaps the true author was someone with a much deeper understanding of the way the Universe works and camouflaged it for a future generation to discover.

A ‘Nous’ Understanding
Many new scientific discoveries are pointing toward the idea of one consciousness. A consciousness that created and continuously creates the Universe and everything in it that we experience as “reality”. Juxtapose these new discoveries with the quote from the book of John and you may suddenly realize that we are coming out of the darkness, that the veil is lifting.

As Above So Below

Mark Miller, a doctoral student in Brandeis University, is researching how particular types of neurones in the brain are connected to one another. By staining thin slices of a mouse’s brain, he can identify the connections visually. The image above shows the three neurone cells on the left (two red and one yellow) and their connections.

A international group of astrophysicist used a computer simulation last year to recreate how the Universe grew and evolved. The simulation image above (right) is a snapshot of the present Universe that features a large cluster of galaxies (bright yellow) surrounded by thousands of stars, galaxies and dark matter (web). (The New York Times)

One is only micrometers wide. The other is billions of light-years across. One shows neurones in a mouse brain. The other is a simulated image of the Universe. Together the suggest the surprisingly similar patterns found in vastly different natural phenomena. -DAVID CONSTANTINE

(Source: Mark Miller, Brandeis University; Virgo Consortium for Cosmological Supercomputer Simulations

The Golden Gate Bridge

David Boullata at The Golden Gate Bridge in 2011

LAST SUNDAY IN SAN FRANCISCO the Golden Gate Bridge was celebrated on it’s 75th anniversary. Seeing it on the news brought me back to last summer when I was in The City by the Bay with my family. We walked across the chilly, sometimes foggy span, dodging (and being dodged by) other tourists on rented bicycles. The view, the wind…it was truly a memorable experience.

One of the most recognized landmarks in America, in 2007 The Golden Gate Bridge was declared one of the modern Wonders of the World by the American Society of Civil Engineers and it is…but what’s with the name, it’s not Golden!? What I discovered while trying to answer that question led me to a mysterious connection to both ancient Egyptian mythology and Christian lore

The Name
According to Wikipedia, the bridge received it’s name from the strait below it that connects the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean. It would be easy to assume that the bridge (and the strait) received their name through the Gold Rush years in California but that in fact is not true.

It was on the 1st of July 1846, 2 years before the first gold was even discovered in California,  that military officer and explorer John C. Fremont wrote in his memoirs about the entrance to San Francisco Bay, “To this Gate I gave the name of ‘Chrysopylae’, or ‘Golden Gate’; for the same reasons that the harbor of Byzantium was called Chrysoceras, or Golden Horn“.

Mirror Images
Now, mirroring old world places in the new world was nothing new (ex. New England, New York, New Rome) but I believe the new world Golden Gate has even greater significance than you may suspect, going back to biblical times and perhaps earlier than that.

This (above) is the Golden Gate in Jerusalem which looks East incidentally, as you enter the city through this gate you are moving West. This is supposedly the gate which Jesus rode through on what became known as Palm Sunday to Christians. According to Jewish tradition they are still waiting for the Messiah to arrive through this gate. The Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sealed off the Golden Gate in 1541…though it may have been for defensive reasons.

While attending a funeral this past Sunday and trying to locate a water fountain in the columbarium where I was I came across an icon of Jesus, on the back of a donkey riding into Jerusalem through the Golden Gate. I didn’t understand the connection until I remembered my ancient Egyptian mythology.

The Egyptian Golden Gate
Ancient Egyptians associated the East with birth and the West with death, a point of view that most certainly came from the rising and setting Sun. Upon death they believed you would pass through (see: Book of Gates)…you guessed it a Golden Gate! Which brings us right back full circle to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge.

It seems that the Golden Gate Bridge is not the only place in San Franciso with an Egyptian connection!

According to Secretsinplainsight‘s video on San Francisco from the De Young Museum and the Trans America Pyramid, to Treasure Island, Angel Island and Alcatraz San Francisco has an overabundance of Egyptian symbolism.

Watch the enlightening video here and leave your comments below.

Black Whole Movie

Nassim Haramein is a brilliant researcher, thinker and dreamer. Much of my inspiration to dig deeper into the past to find a connection to today’s religious traditions is due to his work.

About a year ago he released a film called Black Whole. To boil it down to one phrase this film uncovers scientific proof that we are one. The global acceptance of this idea is the core premise of what I’m calling “The Nous Age”.

Watch the short trailer here

The entire film is now available to watch online thanks for Vimeo (below for your convenience. If you have never heard Nassim’s astounding research sit back and be prepared to be amazed!

These Three Kings

I am a Christian in the deepest sense of the term.

However, unlike most Christians I have encountered so far on my journey, I believe the story of Christ is a metaphor for the potential that lives deep inside each of us and is struggling to be found.

Dogma of the various Christian traditions prevents this personal “birth” to happen and I encourage all of my Christian friends to break free and think “outside of the box”.

Set aside your disbelief for a moment and consider what I am about to write:

The Truth
A lot of the stories we have come to view as fact are in reality tales past down through time, with origins going back thousands of years. The names change, sometimes the locations too but the significance of the stories don’t. And a lot of these stories came long before the birth of Jesus and the Judeo-Christian tradition itself!

For longer than recorded history the constellation of Orion has risen in the East, traveled across the sky and set in the West. 3 distinctive stars across his midsection (pictured above, right) are known as Orion’s Belt. They are also known as “The 3 Kings” by many cultures and even modern astronomers.

The Gospel of Matthew, the only one of the four Canonical gospels to mention the 3 kings, states that they came “from the east” to worship the Christ, “born King of the Jews.”

Son or Sun?
Imagine for a moment that the story of the birth of the Son of God was a personification of what everybody saw throughout history, is seeing today and will be seeing for millennia as 3 stars, coming from the East! If you were to follow an imaginary line through the 3 Kings from right to left you would run into a star (Sirius) the brightest star in the sky (aside from the sun) with an apparent magnitude of −1.46…and if you were to continue that imaginary line to the left you would eventually bump into the rising sun.

Is this simply a coincidence? 3 Kings, following a bright star to discover the Sun?

The Orion Correlation
Ancient Egyptians put a lot of importance on the 3 Kings too! Author Robert Bauval first talked about The Orion Correlation in his book The Orion Mystery and continues to draw fascinating conclusions about the ancient Egyptians in his latest book Black Genesis.

Likely the reason the Egyptians put so much importance on The 3 Kings and what they were pointing to, namely the Sun…is the same reason Christians incorporated it into their tradition, too.

The majestic limestone Sphynx on the Giza plateau in Egypt, which many believe pre-dates the pyramids themselves, patiently waits, watches and points toward the East and the returning Sun.

Think about this: if you wanted to leave a message for your teenage son to start the dishwasher when he got home from school, you’d write a note and leave it where he would be sure to see it, right?

But, what if you wanted to leave an important message for future generations, that was sure to last more than 10,000 years for your ancestors to find, how would you do it? Build a monument…? And then maybe to support that message, to be sure it gets through, perhaps use the ancient art of storytelling, surely future generations will get it then, right…?

I believe we have received the message, but wonder if we will interpret it in time?

The consumerism of the season can indeed be overwhelming, don’t get distracted from what the 3 Kings are trying to show you, pay attention, it’s been hiding in plain sight for 10s of thousands of years. Merry Christmas and I hope that the divine light inside of you, is found. Peace.

Reality and the Extended Mind

JOURNALIST AND AUTHOR Adrian Nelson has released the first installment of his documentary, Reality and the Extended Mind. It covers the GCP (Global Consciousness Project) in some detail, along with interview segments with Dean Radin of IONS, Brenda Dunne and Bob Jahn of the PEAR lab, and Herb Mertz and Adam Curry of Psyleron, Inc.

The World and indeed the Universe is an awe inspiring place, we can only TRY to understand it better.

Part 1:

Part 2:

A Clarification

BEFORE WE GO ANY FURTHER I’d like to say that this website (and coming book) is not a “conspiracy theory” website. I realize that a lot of the posts that seem to get the most attention are the secret society revealed posts like:  Jesus’ Baptism and 2012 and Is This Liberty?, but those posts are just investigations into what I have come to believe in, from an anthropologic standpoint.

Here’s What I Believe

  • I believe that the Universe is conscious in a way that we perhaps will never be able to truly understand.
  • I believe that it’s that consciousness that we have mistaken for ‘God’ for the last 5-thousand years and science today is starting to recognize and PROVE that idea scientifically.
  • I also believe there existed at least one (possibly many) pre-historic civilization(s) that already knew this and built their culture(s) around it.

Not only do I believe that everything in this Universe evolved from the same “stuff” (see: Big Bang Theory) over the last 13-billions years, but I also believe that everything in this Universe is animated by the same singular consciousness. A consciousness which existed eternally ∞, even before the existence of space-time.

Levels of Consiousness
While there may be differing levels of consciousness between things… a rock is not at the same level as a tree which is not at the same level as a dog who is not at the same level as a human, etc. …everything is indeed conscious and directly connected to the source consciousness and by default …we are all connected to each other.

This website is a science, meets spirituality, meets archaeology website. I hope that clarifies it. :0)

I know you are as anxious to ask me a question as I am to answer you. You can send me a question by clicking comments below or through here

Jesus’ Baptism and 2012

The Milky Way

If you’re lucky enough to live in an area that doesn’t suffer the tragedy of light pollution, you may have become blasé to what I call “the greatest show on Earth”, namely the night sky.

The most profound part of the night sky for me is the thick band of light that goes from horizon to horizon and seems to wrap the Earth in a ribbon of light. In reality it is the edge-on view of our Galaxy, The Milky Way.

From Khemit to Today
From the point of view of ancient Egypt (or as they themselves referred to it, Khemit) the Milky Way seemed like an extension of the life giving Nile River, which seemed to have it’s origin in the Southern horizon (lower Africa) and snaked it’s way North into the Mediterranean Sea. It could be interpreted by them that the Nile was an extension of the heavenly Milky Way “river”.

As I continue the research for my book I have come to believe that a lot of what we know as Abrahamic religious traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) have their foundation in the ancient religion of the Khemetians of North Africa and that the traditions of the Khemitians are alive and well in one form or another disguised as Judaeo-Christian stories. One case in point:  the Baptism of The Son of God in the river Jordan.

The Baptism of The Son of God

The Baptism of The Son of God

Imagine that the river Jordan is a metaphor for the Nile/Milky Way and that the Son of God (Jesus) is the Sun. I believe that the so called ‘baptism’ is actually a representation of the conjunction between the rising Sun and the Milky Way, but not just any conjunction, a conjunction between the Sun and the center of our galaxy, and what is known as The Dark Rift.

Conjuntion-juntion, What’s Your Function?
What’s so special about this conjunction? Well it does happen every year on the same date but the next conjunction will have the Sunrise directly in the center of the Dark Rift, the first time in nearly 10,500 years. That date? December 21, 2012…yes, the same date as the misinterpreted end of the world date of the Mayan calendar. I don’t believe that it will be the end of the world, I do believe that it will be the start of some sort of “age of enlightenment”.

Let’s go back to the Baptism of Jesus for a minute and examine the iconography of the event that has been passed down through the ages:

Look at these depictions (below) of the event and notice the always present 3 pronged beam of light placed over Jesus’ head in each of them and/or the white dove which is seen as a symbol of love, peace or as a “messenger”.


Could the encoded message in these icons be that on the day of the “baptism” (ie. conjunction) we could expect some sort of divine connection between us and the Universe to happen? It definitely would change the way we look at Jesus, The Bible and certainly open religions to new interpretations.

New Evidence
I also have uncovered evidence that this same message has been hidden in plain sight in non-religious form similar to the evidence I presented in my Is This Liberty post. But this evidence will have to wait for my book to be completed.

I eagerly look forward to your comment, please enter it below.